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By Diviner
#57997 I don't know how to structure my network, thus I don't know what example sketches to start with.

My application will use an Andriod phone tol run "scenes" similiar to a home automation solution. There is no need to internet connections since this is a closed solution but this will be in the field where there is no router (although I can bring one out).

Basic Logic

The Andriod App poles looking for suitable esp8266 NodeMCU Esp12e devices. "Are you one of my spefically built devices?"

The App sends runs "scenes" that sends out messages to multiple 8266s

Also the 8266s will also need to broadcast events that will trigger other 8266s to do more events. This may be a mess, but I want to "crawl" first before I "walk".

Q1: Who is the Server? The Android Phone or do I setup one 8266 as a server?

Q2: Are all 8266 Access Points? Are they all Servers? Clients?

Q3: Does the 8266 work the same as a router (assuming I am running the correct station mode)?

Q4: What are the starter Example Sketches?
WiFiClient? WiFiMulti? WiFiHTTPSRequest?

Q5: Can I run from my pc browser and will the ESP device see the url requests?

I am running WiFiClient without issue and playing with Server sketches, but I all the examples

Thanks in advance for any help!
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By rudy
#58029 Are you trying to do realtime (change on a beat) lighting control like theater lighting? How many devices will be connected? The ESP8266 has limitations on how many current connections are available in some modes of operation. 4 or 5 (I forget) If many then a connectionless protocol like UDP would be better. ... dp-vs-tcp/ is an unteresting read.