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New IOT Foundations Library: CoogleIOT

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:47 pm
by coogle
Hey all!

I just wanted to post and let you all know about a new library I've built to support the ESP8266 called CoogleIOT. It's a foundational library to manage all of the less-interesting bits of building an IOT device on top of the ESP8266 platform.

For the moment, I've focused on the ESP8266-12E but I think any device that has enough flash will work just fine. The library it builds is a bit big (just shy of 400kb) but does lots of awesome stuff for you:

- Captive portal configuration (if by AP) using built-in web server
- Integrated mini.css and jquery 3.x for building nice interfaces
- Built-in MQTT PubSubClient configurable from the web interface
- Built-in NTP client support for access to accurate local time
- Built-in OTA updates either by providing a server endpoint URL (for pull-updates) or uploading a new firmware via web-interface
- Useful security related tools like HTML escaping, ASCII filtering, etc.

I built this as a foundation for my own Smart home devices which are largely based on the ESP8266-12, and have released it as an open source project under the Apache License.

I've already applied to have it included in the Arduino Library Manager so it should be available there soon. But you can find the documentation as well as all the code here:


Hope you enjoy it!