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By gzhang
#93781 Hi,
New to esp8266, playing around and all of a sudden wifi connect became very slow (several minute to connected status on ST mode).

turned on debugging Serial.setDebugOutput(true);, and looks like everything else is fine but dhcp has no response, and it might be my router (got a tp link ax6000 with about 29 devices on it). Added a new router and it is fine now. Anyone else got the same? Is there some kind of configuration that I need to do on TP link? did a google search and tp link should be able to handle 60 devices.

During the debugging, I was looking through the code, and found calls to wifi_station_connect , defined in user_itnerface.h. However I was unable to find the code for it. Does esp8266 has some kind of onboard code?

Thank you!