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Re: Recording audio at 8KHz and saving to SPI flash

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:31 am
by monger
wondering what you mean by SLOW?
if I record myself saying the phrase, "Can I have one?" at regular speed? is it too much data to transfer via ESP8266 within 10 seconds? What is SLOW?

Re: Recording audio at 8KHz and saving to SPI flash

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:50 am
by RichardS
From prior experience I would say that when saving the audio onto a newly formatted SPIFFS, you will save the audio fast at the start but it will quickly start to slow down to the point it will not be able to keep up....

Try LittleFS maybe it is better for this...

Also in any case, if your saving one byte at a time, it may be better to buffer and save the buffer at once, not sure what the "sector" size is but its usually best to choose a multiple of that.
