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Ota "error magic!"

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:02 am
by Bilbo
Hi I recently started playing around with the esphttpd code a bit on a esp12f with 4MB flash. First thing was to try out all the features. I downloaded from github and am using the latest open nonos sdk.

Initially there are some compiler error relating to uint32_t coming from "ets" which includes c_types.h. I was able to fix this by recompiling the open sdk and removing the c_types.h patch. I will look into a more correct solution later.

Anyway after compling the ota makfile and flashing from usb everything is working and I ran all the self tests and tried all the features. I did set flash size in makefile to 4096.

When I make clean and change some code then do make and try httpflash, the operation succeeds but the UART output shows "error magic!" on reboot and it falls back to the old binary image.

Admittedly, I have not dug into all the details yet, but a quick search online does not yield any useful info.

Any ideas?


Re: Ota "error magic!"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:56 am
by Sprite_tm
It could be that for some reason the OTA is still set to the 2nd region... I've worked slightly too much with the ESP32 now to remember how OTA on the '8266 works. I'll see if I can reproduce this; until that: can you try using esptool.py to clear out the entirety of the flash?