ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By Sprite_tm
#16664 Ah, sorry, I must've read over the fact that you mentioned that. I'll use the excuse that I didn't have any coffee yet :) It otherwise seems like a weird problem indeed: I have never had problems with the STA mode and my modules have been connected to my TP-WDR4300 AP for ages.

Ah, I've also never posted binaries anywhere; feel free to use whatever binaries you can find, but just know that I personally did not make them.
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By donnaware
#16665 Oh, no worries. Probably just a dumb frustrated user out here. Anyhoo.... I tried a different Wifi Router, an older more basic one without so many bells and whistles on it and it works perfectly. So my current working theory is that it must have something to do with some sort of fancy security thing, firewall or something on my fancy router. I would still like to figure it out, but it is definitely not the esphttpd software which makes me super happy (I am wearing a huge smile now). I really like your code, it is perfect for my project and I would have been completely bummed out if I had to go find another solution. So thank you for putting this out there and for putting up with all my posts.

If I ever figure out what setting it is on my router I will post it in the forum in case someone else ever runs into this issue.