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ESP-httpd with dht22-thingspeak

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:51 pm
by gadget-dad
Can anyone help me put together a program that has the browser configuration of the esphttpd and also the GET request to thingspeak of DHT22 data?

I have been trying for 2 weeks.....and I am throwing in the towel. I will buy my savior a beer....or six-pack (paypal).


Re: ESP-httpd with dht22-thingspeak

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:13 am
by tve
How far did you get and where did you get stuck?

Re: ESP-httpd with dht22-thingspeak

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:36 pm
by gadget-dad
I am actually not sure how far I got. :)

I had problems getting it to compile for last two weeks- then yesterday I figured out that I needed to edit the makefile (something that I had avoided because it was "magic" to me) and the project actually compiled. However, when my esp-01 is flashed I can't pull up the webpages (I can connect to it, but get "not found"). If I add in my ssid and password before compiling- then the program pushes data. That data isn't exactly right though (but close- I get a variable but I chose the wrong one).

I have attached what I have. I think that I pulled the dht22 stuff from the Relay example because I couldn't get the dht22 files from dht22-thingspeak to work.

I am using eclipse to compile and flash.

Re: ESP-httpd with dht22-thingspeak

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:01 pm
by Sprite_tm
gadget-dad wrote:...However, when my esp-01 is flashed I can't pull up the webpages (I can connect to it, but get "not found").

Did you do a 'make htmlflash'? Uploading the web filesystem is a separate step, and without it you indeed won't get any webpages :)