ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By martonmiklos
#8689 TL;DR: It works on top of it.

If enabled during the make process the html folder is copied to a temporary directory where all static css, js, html file get gzipped. Then the espfs will be generated from this temporary folder. As I have seen the heatshrink produces a little bit bigger files from the default project's gzipped contents. That is because it only contains a few compress-able files and on the gzipped files the heatshrink seems to be less efficient. But when using larger static files it produces far smaller image. For e.g. I have added a 93.5 KB jquery file to the default project (cats removed). With GZIP compression enabled the webpages.espfs is 37.3 KB while with GZIP disabled it 52.2 KB.

The another income from the GZIP-ing is the saved bandwidth when serving these files.
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By kenn
#8737 Hi,

I'm late to try this little webserver, but today was the day... and it works 8-) , and it's a great demo of what's possible with some careful coding. So - my thanks to Mr Sprite... a tall cold Ontario craft-brewed beer is waiting if you ever make it to Toronto. Thanks also to the other posters with their tips and ideas.
