ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By Thomashillegom
#38499 Hello!

How can i send data to a server like the dht22_thingspeak demo?:

os_sprintf(data, "http://%s/update?key=%s&field1=%s&field2=%s&status=dev_ip:%d.%d.%d.%d", THINGSPEAK_SERVER, THINGSPEAK_API_KEY, temp, hum, IP2STR(&ipConfig.ip));
http_get(data, "", thingspeak_http_callback);

I try to insert the code from dht22_thingspeak demo into the esphttpd demo, but it did not work.
I think there is a way to sent data in the esphttpd demo using:

sint8 espconn_send(
struct espconn *espconn,
uint8 *psent,
uint16 length

But my question is how do i do that?
