Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By piperpilot
#47620 I have a SMING app that I have been building on for a while. Seems like the support for sming and probably esp-8266 is shifting over to RTOS. What is involved in migrating an app over to the new platform? Is it worth it if the app is working pretty well with the old SDK? Any thoughts are appreciated.
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By kenn
#48241 I'm sort of in the same boat. I added the Sming_RTOS repo to my (previously working) Windows Sming environment, but nothing is compiling yet... so tips on just getting the new Sming_RTOS to work on Windows would also be appreciated. And then I can look at migrating my apps.
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By kenn
#49511 Responding to myself... There's no chocolatey install for SmingRTOS, I was on my own. I archived and deleted my past Sming efforts, then downloaded and installed the latest UDK from CHERTS. Then I cloned the SmingRTOS repo into a fresh directory inside C:\Espressif\.

I found I had to build Richard Burton's esptool2 from the supplied source (C:\Espressif\examples\ESP8266\rboot\esptool2\) . It built first try in Visual Studio, then I moved the exe to somewhere in my path (C:\Espressif\utils).

So anyway, I've got some of the SmingRTOS examples bulding and working, and I'm now trying to convert one of my old projects to SmingRTOS.

More news when I have some.