Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By tavalin
#27104 Whilst I don't suggest it, you could probably implement your own Arduino style loop() yourself with a while loop and a function called loop. One of the issues with this, though, is that the watchdog timer isn't keen on these type of things and you may experience reboots if not done properly.
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By GigAHerZ
#27139 When stuff works on callbacks, then from JS coding there was a way to call a function with timer and timer amount was 0 or 1. That resulted usually instant execution, but in case anything else was on hold in callback stack, then my function was in the end of callback stack.

Is there a one-liner in C/C++ & Sming to set timer for 0 time for any function to call? That would create "as fast as possible" loop cycle without killing all the wifi management and watchdog.