Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By forlotto
#34800 Good info thanks for sharing did you report the bug along with info to the dev's such as hardware, firmware, and other useful info. Would be nice if they knew of your issue so they could look into it and possibly fix it with the provided information.
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By bluegiraffe
#34843 Hi: I did not reported the issue to anyone, except this forum. I was under the impression that the nice people that are building/making the Sming framework also hang around here...

Also it seems that this is an issue with and not Sming itself.

Another thing is that I need to correct one thing: I said that the development branch samples compiled just fine. Not true. They compile but is unable to generate the image, so I have to use the above method.

My develpoment platform is Linux 64 bit with esp-open-sdk and of course, Sming :)