Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By fastlink30
#38282 Hi, i have successfully compiled the demo & flashed, but when i try to connect with putty, is impossible, nothing happen and timeout occurs, i have chenged the connection port to 23 inside the demo (on my computer firewall port 23 is open, so no problem), and obviously SSID & password to access my router.
attached screen of the serial terminal, is possible remove all the debug message? every 3 secs(i think) receive this messages is boring, i understand is the watchdog, but...

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By fastlink30
#38399 found the problem! cable for the ground of the board have problem :shock: , changed and now is running! :evil:

anyway there is a way to remove the debug output completly when the system start (when show connection done, scandone, state, etc...)?
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By fastlink30
#38408 ok, but another question (i know is not about SMING, but i'm newbie about c++),
how to assign callback to UdpConnection, i know is possible with UdpConnection udp(routine), but i need to assign callback without
something like: udp.onDataCallback = .... or there are function like Serial.setCallback(...)?
hope is clear my question...
