Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By Ram
#39399 Hello,
I'm trying to get the Basic_rBoot_Sample (from Sming 2.1.1) working on a 1MB esp.

I was able to run the first ROM, but as soon as I try an OTA my esp reset:
Code: Select allHello !!
trying to mount spiffs at 40242000, length 65536
fs.start: size:64 Kb, offset:0x42000
+TCP connection
Download file:
    (0) -> 82000
connect to:
TcpConnection::connect result:, 0
realloc 44 -> 175
TCP connected
TCP received: 1460 bytes
onReadyToSendData: 1
onReadyToSendData: 0
TcpClient request completed
TCP sent: 46
onReadyToSendData: 2
Header pos: 332
server === ecstatic-0.7.6
etag === "5066549581253236-259056-Thu Jan 21 2016 23:18:24 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid)"
last-modified === Thu, 21 Jan 2016 22:18:24 GMT
TCP received: 5840 bytes
onReadyToSendData: 1
cache-control === max-age=3600
content-length === 259056
content-type === application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8
Date === Thu, 21 Jan 2016 22:23:14 GMT
Connection === close
TCP received: 336 bytes
onReadyToSendData: 1

 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)

wdt reset

My guess is that it is writting at the wrong offset. But I don't really know what I'm doing with these memory numbers :?

Code: Select allRBOOT_ENABLED = 1
SPI_SIZE        = 1M
SPIFF_SIZE      = 65536
RBOOT_SPIFFS_0  = 0x042000

And my rom1.ld I changed

Code: Select all  irom0_0_seg :                         org = 0x40282010, len = 0x42000

What I'm trying to do is two ROMs, one shared SPIFFS. something like 300k + 300k + 200k if that's possible on 1MB flash.
Does anyone have a working setting ?
User avatar
By Ram
#39683 OK, my fault. I changed my power supply and that was the cause of the unexpected reset.
Back to normal operation... I will post if I have any progress.