Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By fastlink30
#39593 with this routine i print some info on serial, but when quit routine, get errors (as you can see on image attached)
the network object must be 'closed'? how is correct?

void inforeadCommand(void)
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;

JsonObject& network = jsonBuffer.createObject();

network["HEAP"] = system_get_free_heap_size();
network["IP"] = WifiStation.getIP().toString().c_str();
network["MASK"] = WifiStation.getNetworkMask().toString().c_str();
network["GWAY"] = WifiStation.getNetworkGateway().toString().c_str();
network["DHCP"] = WifiStation.isEnabledDHCP();
network["SSID"] = WifiStation.getSSID().c_str();
network["PASS"] = WifiStation.getPassword().c_str();
network["UDP"] = UDP_PORT_SERIALE;
network["CHAN"] = wifi_get_channel();
network["CHIP_ID"] = system_get_chip_id();
network["SDK"] = system_get_sdk_version();
network["VDD"] = system_get_vdd33();
network["CPU_FREQ"] = system_get_cpu_freq();
network["HOSTNAME"] = wifi_station_get_hostname();


another think, how to calculate vdd from the int returned from system_get_vdd33()?
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