Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By helpme
#39808 I am using Sming v2.1 and tried to compile the Telnet_TCPServer_TCPClient example. I did not change any code except for the Makefile to match my ESP8266 module.

This is the compilation error.

Code: Select all16:03:28 **** Build of configuration Sming for project Telnet_TCPServer_TCPClient ****
make all
LD out/build/app.out
c:/Espressif/sming/Sming/compiler/lib/\libsming.a(CommandOutput.o): In function `CommandOutput::~CommandOutput()':
C:\Espressif\sming\Sming/Services/CommandProcessing/CommandOutput.cpp:23: undefined reference to `WebSocket::sendString(String const&)'
c:/Espressif/sming/Sming/compiler/lib/\libsming.a(CommandOutput.o): In function `CommandOutput::write(unsigned char)':
C:\Espressif\sming\Sming/Services/CommandProcessing/CommandOutput.cpp:23: undefined reference to `WebSocket::sendString(String const&)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [out/build/app.out] Error 1

16:03:31 Build Finished (took 2s.558ms)