Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By voyo
#42600 Hi,
I managed to prepare for myself a template for OtA updates as a base for my project.
It was working ok as far as everything was on my desk , with nodemcu board.
But after I uploaded firmware to generic ESP12 board and moved it away, OtA is just not working anymore... (main application itself is ok, but I cannot perform updates anymore).
Seems (from what I can tell from web server logs) it downloads 1st file (ROM_0_URL) but is not trying to get SPIFFS_URL, and even main app is not storing to flash.
Im not sure what can be wrong... is it my application or some settings ? (I basically followed to and extended the example from Basic_rBoot). Or ESP12 needs some HW tweaking to perform flash update itself ?
Im trying to get some advises before I dive deeper with debugging, maybe solution is simple and someone get trough it yet ?
Thanks in advance.
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By voyo
#42749 I will try to answer myself. And maybe it will be useful for others too.
After some debugging session, I got to conclusions that seems I actually might have two issues related to my problem.
1st is that since I changed the device from nodemcu to ESP12, I had also change the power supply. And very likely the psu here doesn't had enough power to fulfill the power requirements during the flashing.
And 2nd issue I suspect comes from interrupts - this deployment have a interrupt handler attached to pin, and I suspect that rBoot/sming OtA (or just flashing? ) is not dealing quite ok with this.. Im not quite sure, will need to investigate more on this, and maybe talk to someone more experienced. Anyway for now seems it helped after I added "noInterrupts();" on begining my OtaUpdate() procedure.