Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By alonewolfx2
#43181 almost. please test this repo link. and if you have any issue please let us know on gitter and here.

helpme wrote:This MQTT library used by ESP8266 supports SSL.

Can SMING's MQTT library support secure MQTT using SSL? If not, is it hard to add the above library to SMING?
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By helpme
#44114 Any plans to merge this SMING SSL fork to the main SMING at Any reason why it is not done? I already have apps using the main SMING branch. I will prefer not to use a fork. Thanks.

alonewolfx2 wrote:almost. please test this repo link. and if you have any issue please let us know on gitter and here.

helpme wrote:This MQTT library used by ESP8266 supports SSL.

Can SMING's MQTT library support secure MQTT using SSL? If not, is it hard to add the above library to SMING?