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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#46893 Looking for more feedback on the help file.

If you see any spelling or gross grammar violations please point them out with a new thread in the bugs section. It is really appreciated as this is a great help to us in improving the readability of the docs.
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By viscomjim
#46902 Hi Mike, your user manual is getting rather large compared to early on. This is a good thing and very much appreciated. The only suggestion I can give is if there can be an example or two of using each command as the syntax is not clear to noobs like me.

For instance...


Will set up the time time zone and daylight savings attribute.
timesetup({number or var for time zone},{number or var for dst})

(this next part would be great after the above statement)



what does the -5 do and what does the 0 do? What can be used for dst, is it 0 for DST or 1 for DST, etc...

This is a simple example (even though I still don't know what the number or var for dst does or what it needs to be. This type of info is invaluable for someone to grab the docs and get up and running without having to visit the forum to see if someone used a snippet of code so you can see how to format it, etc.

Not bitching at all, but this would really help in a big way.

I really do appreciate your efforts with this. I had a few esp8266s laying around for a while after I gave up playing with the AT command set and dealing with the constant busy_s error and crashes. Now I have a few doing things I never thought would be possible solely because I can wrap my head around basic. I have plans for some incoming Wemos mini D1s and it just keeps getting better and better. The capabilities are outstanding.



One quick thing I noticed was something you just recently posted in the general section.

html "display changing data here " & htmlvar(data)

I can't find any information on the "html" command in the manual, it may be there, but I haven't found it so forgive me if I am wrong.

The question is, when would you use the "html" command instead of the "wprint" command. Is there a difference between the two?

Thanks again.
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By Mmiscool
#46904 The html command and the wprint command are the same. Most of the time when a command is depreciated or changed the old command is left working and just update the docs and the demos are updated to reflect the new command removing the old one. This might not always be true when all of the normal commands are updated over the next few months to use the new parsing engine but as much backwards compatibility as possible has been attempted. The wprint command how ever is used many places so the transition is a bit of a project.

You might also notice i use the functions now for all the i/o
io(po,d4,0) for example in stead of po d4 0

You can use the io function in if then statements for checking a pins status.
if io(pi,d3) = 1 then print "Pin high" else print "pin low"

The language has had some evolution and i sincerely hope that it is benefiting people.
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By forlotto
#46907 Have not really noticed much in the way of issues with grammar thus far but positioning and organization of some things could be a bit better.

The website however is awesome I love how the code pops up on your website I wish the code would come up like that on google docs when you give references.

yes beneficial thus far I have yet to fully get into everything yet ...


I do have one issue though for one project it requires the older version of firmware problem is I no longer have the firmware or the old flashing tool it allows me to enable extra ports for GPIO's pins 9 and 10 I believe only for the Amica mod version as I need to flash in DIO mode however it may be the updated flash program causing the issue so don't worry too much but just in case I was curious is there any way to dump and clone the entire flash as I have four more power strips I would like to make for my house eventually as time provides already have all the hardware payed quite a bit for all of it would hate to see it be worthless but anyhow this is another subject all together...

I may just use the GPIO expansion that cicciocb displayed or something similar to it. I think we should focus on a way to create a module to expand GPIO and integrate a driver into basic for it so that we can reference the pins on the expansion personally. I mean with all of the added functionality all of the extra code space I think that it would be a logical conclusion to have more logic or the ability to add it via a module that would be driven via "BASIC" commands.