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Re: More progress on 3.0 branch.

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 4:10 pm
by Mmiscool
The changes that are being made are necessary to bring esp basic in line with most of the other dialects of basic out there. The other dialects all use the same standards for having commas separate portions of a command.

As to the added functionality there really is a lot happening.

I think most of the documentation has been updated for the new format on the commands. There is still some stuff that needs to happen with the touch screen related commands and documentation for them but this is all progress.

ESP Basic only seems to improve. Even with the bumps in road. The old version and documentation for will still be available after the 3.0 branch is moved forward and released.

Re: More progress on 3.0 branch.

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 1:57 am
by livetv
I don't want to bog you down with a load of questions (which I certainly could supply) but these two things will make a difference between me waiting on a project for the branch 3 release or going ahead with it using Branch 2.

1. Will the new version fit in a 512k flash size?

2. Have you tested execution speed? My hallucination is that you are moving some commands into functions (ex. io(po, 2, 1) instead of po 2 1). I did a (rough) execution speed test and found the po command to be about 1.7 milliseconds to execute but the io() function came in around 3.9 milliseconds. Naturally I'm using po instead! Is the new parser faster with functions?

3. Does the new version allow user defined functions?

4. I can't count. ;)

Re: More progress on 3.0 branch.

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 2:40 am
by grzesiu
Mike what's with debug link?
It loads debug.html (i saw this in code) but what should be in that file?

Re: More progress on 3.0 branch.

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 2:44 am
by forlotto
As he said all io will be po I noticed that in alpha24 it requires io(pwo,pin,level) for pwo function. Seems to work just fine but had me thinking my hardware was hooked up wrong spent the better part of two hours thinking what the heck could it be it is now 2:22AM and I am falling asleep every so often as I type lol anyways I agree there is so much going on with basic it will make your head spin best thing to do is read the documentation and explore newer examples my documentation is currently out of date and with documentation being done I think I may just call it quits on documenting on the forums here as things are explained fairly well there are some things in my documentation that you do not learn from their documentation though so it is difficult I may just have to update my own documentation when and if I get time might not be until winter by the looks of our work schedule. We have insane amounts of work went from 1 shop to 2 shops more employees and still working overtime every day monday - saturday. we get one lousy day off a week and no days are shorter than 10 hours. The other night got out of there finally at 8PM after starting at 6AM it is just nuts! So this holiday weekend I have to take care of whatever I possibly can. And have one day for family tomorrow. Worked on basic stuff all night tried the newer dimmer board could not get that to work correctly there has to be some bit of hardware I need to make this function correctly. Need to scope my pwm signal and see just what it is that is causing problems... I wonder if it is not just the version of nodemcu I am using LoLin is the cheapest might give a doitam or another varient a try before scoping tomorrow but just continue to battle with dimmer issues on the esp8266.

Spent tons of hours and about a couple hundred dollars now trying to get a working dimmer flicker free with basic so now it is time to look a bit deeper.