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Re: 3.0 branch available for testing. Report bugs here.

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 1:18 pm
by russm
Don't know if this is a bug, probably just haven't gotten to it yet: I ran the clock program in here:http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6995

After modifying line and circle commands, It displays fine; however, it does not refresh every 5 seconds. I can manually refresh and it displays the updates fine. I tested the original on the prior version and it does refresh.

Re: 3.0 branch available for testing. Report bugs here.

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 2:08 pm
by Mmiscool
use a timer to run the code to update the graphics area.

The page will automatically update with out the html to refresh.

He is a modified example.
Code: Select alltimer 10000, [drawClock]
print "Graphic Clock"
graphics 500, 500
gosub [dotime]
gosub [drawface]
gosub [drawhour]
gosub [drawminute]

x = myhour * 30
x = x / 57.29577951
xx = sin(x)
xx = xx * 150
xx = 250 + xx
yy = cos(x)
yy = yy * 150
yy = 250 - yy
line 250, 250, xx, yy

x = mymin * 6
x = x / 57.29577951
xx = sin(x)
xx = xx * 200
xx = 250 + xx
yy = cos(x)
yy = yy * 200
yy = 250 - yy
line 250, 250, xx, yy, 12

circle 250, 250, 210, 3
circle 250, 250, 205, 15
for t = 1 to 12
x = t * 30
x = x / 57.29577951
xx = sin(x)
xx = xx * 205
xx = 250 + xx
yy = cos(x)
yy = yy * 205
yy = 250 - yy
circle xx, yy, 4, 3
next t

mytime = time()
myhour = mid(mytime,12,2)
mymin = mid(mytime,15,2)
mysec = mid(mytime,18,2)
partmin = mysec / 60
mymin = mymin + partmin
parthour = mymin / 60
myhour = myhour + parthour

Re: 3.0 branch available for testing. Report bugs here.

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:40 pm
by russm
I used the timer in another program but it doesn't refresh for me. Didn't post that program as it was my own and I figured it had something wrong. :) I'm still on the first 3.0 release.

Re: 3.0 branch available for testing. Report bugs here.

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:42 pm
by Mmiscool
The refresh of the graphics area only occurs when the wait command is encountered.

Was the modified clock example post not working for you?