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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#48492 Is there still trouble with

or is it all good?
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By russm
#48494 I don't know if this is a bug or me doing something wrong with the string. I have found that having an equals sign '=' won't work in the tft.print or tft.println command. These don't work:
tft.print("Temp=") or tft.println("Temp=") or tft.print("=")

If the = sign is removed it works. On a failure, the browser returns this:
Tried to read past end of String!
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By russm
Mmiscool wrote:Is there still trouble with

or is it all good?

tft.rect.round.fill does not work. Gives this error:
Tried to call unknown built-in function!
Syntax error
Halted at line 23

tft.rect.round does work.
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By rwblinn
#48498 Using the code below does not refresh the browser automatically (tested with firefox latest version).
Any hints how to resolve?

Code: Select alllet cnt = 0
wprint "<head>"
wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='5' />"
wprint "</head>"
wprint "ESP8266 NodeMCU HowTo - Browser Refresh"
wprint "<HR>"
wprint htmlvar(cnt) & "<BR>"
timer 5000,[refresh]

cnt = cnt + 1
'Connect via Putty COM6 to see the var gets updated