Place to put your Basic demos and examples

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#36868 Sure. Would just have to change the math a bit.
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By forlotto
#37188 lol well if you get bored you can always check out and turn the clock back to the 90's while you are waiting for your package :P
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By corey872
#39112 Just had a chance to play with this today. I think my last scrap of basic code was back around '86, so might as well say I'm a noob and learning all over. But here are a couple of my observations...maybe there is a simple fix...

1) On my ESP board, all the neo() commands are sent to pin 15 of the chip (responds to pin 1 in software) which also happens to have a blue LED tied in. I'm curious if there is a way to change the pin the neo() info is sent to? I tried:

po 0 neo(1,10,255,255,255) - hoping to send to pin 0, light nodes 1-10 full white - but this did not seem to work.

I have some boards with more pins broken out, but would like to map to pin 0 or pin 2 which happen to be GPIO0 and GPO01 on this board.

2) Neopixels and other nodes I am familiar with want the data line to be held low with the data sent as high pulses. My board is alternating between an open pin and a ground state. Seems like 3.3v is supplied to the LED and the pin 'on' state is grounded, so the LED turns on. I can always run a logic inverter...(haven't checked to see if the pixel pulse timings are also inverted or if the data would be 'valid' if it was simply logic inverted). But was curious if I goofed something here, too - or just a side effect of the pin / LED combo.

Thanks for any input!