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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By russm
#54269 I will try this a little later today but in the mean time, try serialprintln instead of print and view in a serial terminal. I had print issues before which crashed it, unrelated to tft.
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By russm
#54285 So, ran your code, it crashed as you indicated.

I changed to serialprintln and it's still running with no problems.

You might want to use wprint htmlvar() and update. Not sure if that would crash or not, it's a pretty frequent update. Someone more knowledgeable on the web interface could help you determine the best way to update. I don't think returngui is the best way. I tried it and it worked but I stopped it after a while as it was painful to look at. :)

I tried wprint and streamed it just like print and it eventually crashed too.

My conclusion is that it doesn't have anything to do with TFT but rather use of print and in my case wprint.
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By Mmiscool
#54289 The print command both sends data to the serial port and adds it to the html buffer. To clear the html buffer use the cls command.

If there is a variable that needs to be monitored and will be updated frequently with some thing like a timer you can use a gui element like a text box or meter to show the results on the web page with out having the html buffer constantly being added to.