Place to put your Basic demos and examples

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By mbenitez01
#40467 Does it happen only to me? Firmware is REALLY hungs after edit...I can run only one example program ( I mean, if I copy paste 2 examples, the first one is gone....and weirdest thing is HARDWARE.... I have tied a led to pin 0 turns on and off nicely...BUT if I reset/repower ESP07 with led connected.... module can not connect to the network! blue light on it remains on ...have to disconect led, repower and module logs into the network...... kind of disapointed!
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By luc VdV
#40475 The esp8266 uses some inputs on boot to determine how to boot.
As far as i know, if gpio0 is found low, it will go into flash-mode.
If gpio15 is high during boot, it will try to boot from a cf-card.

A led with resistor connected to one of those pins can change the input-level of that pin during a reboot.

I would suggest you to try connecting your led to another gpio-pin to find out if this is the case.

Hope this helps.
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By forlotto
#40540 GPIO 0 should not be used for on/off function ... Don't matter what firmware you use on that one.

There are other GPIO's that should not be used either for ON/OFF

As far as saving programs is concerned you must save and then run the program for the new program to work.

But I am beginning to wonder about this as well save program seems to be giving a lot of people trouble currently.

So far I personally have not seen the save program issue the only thing I have seen is WIFI issues due to both AP and STA mode being on.

Another thing that is not working for me is AP name change.

Take care hope this helps!