Page 2 of 3

Re: V1.23 issues etc

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:03 pm
by xtal
Code: Select allmycommand = " "
cnt = "1"
rfctr = 0
adc_id = 0
adc_value = 512
k1 = 0.11
p00 = 'P'
apc0 = 40000
ppm0 = 1770
adj1 = 1768
adj2 = 1769
cdeg0 = 25.1
fdeg0 = 77.18
kta0 = '0.01'
lo0 = '12'
hi0 = '20'
prb = '01.0'
ph = '7.0'
s0 = "000> 00001,00032 00342,65535 00700,66535 01000,34770 01400,65535"
bgc = 'Yellow'
B_Opn = 'http://i.imgur.com/kzt3tO8.png'
B_Clo = 'http://i.imgur.com/KS1dPa7.png'
Ipage = B_Clo

rfh = 15

wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content="
wprint htmlvar(rfh)
wprint "rfh >"

wprint "<script type = 'text/javascript'>"
wprint "var timeInSecs;"
wprint "var ticker;function startTimer(secs){"
wprint "timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1;"
wprint "ticker = setInterval('tick()',1000);}"
wprint "function tick() {"
wprint "var secs = timeInSecs;"
wprint "if (secs>0) {timeInSecs--;} else {clearInterval(ticker);"
wprint "startTimer("
wprint htmlvar(rfh)
wprint ");}document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = secs;} startTimer("
wprint html(rfh)
wprint ");"
wprint "</script>"
wprint "<body><div>"
wprint "<table bgcolor='Lawngreen' border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>"

wprint "<td><IMG SRC ="
wprint htmlvar(Ipage)
wprint " LEFT='1' WIDTH='120' HEIGHT='60' BORDER='1'></td>"

wprint "<th id='countdown'>"
wprint htmlvar(rfh)
wprint "</th></table><br>"

wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd1s' cols='70' rows='14'>"
wprint htmlvar(s0)
wprint chr(13)
wprint "</textarea></div><br>"

wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd2s' cols='70' rows='6'>"
wprint htmlvar(s0)
wprint chr(10)

wprint "</textarea></div><br>"

wprint "<div><table bgcolor="
wprint htmlvar(bgc)
wprint " border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<tr><th>Sensor</th><th>TempC</th><th>TempF</th><th>PPMcntr</th>"
wprint "<th>PPM__</th><th>Adj__1</th><th>Adj__2</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>DS18B20P</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(cdeg0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(fdeg0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(apc0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(ppm0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(adj1)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(adj2)
wprint "</td></tr>"
wprint "<tr><th>Probe-K</th><th>Pool-PH</th><th>PH-Adj</th><th>ADC Value</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>01.0</td><td>7.0</td><td>7</td><td bgcolor='Red'>"
wprint htmlvar(adc_value)
wprint "</td></tr></table></div><br>"

'button "BLINK" [BLINK]
'button "RD_ADC" [RDA.DC]
'button "TEMP_DN" [TEMP.DN]
'button "TEMP_UP" [TEMP.UP]
'button "F_Deg" [Fdeg]
'button "ForNxt" [ForNext]
textbox mycommand
wprint "<br>


'if Ipage == B_Clo then Ipage = B_Opn else Ipage = B_Clo

'AI adc_value

'SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp dn"
'cdeg0 = cdeg0 - 0.1
'fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
'fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
'ppm0 = ppm0 - 1
'apc0 = apc0 - 1
'adj1 = adj1 - 1
'adj2 = adj2 - 1


'SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp up"
'cdeg0 = cdeg0 + 0.1
'fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
'fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
'ppm0 = ppm0 + 1
'apc0 = apc0 + 1
'adj1 = adj1 + 1
'adj2 = adj2 + 1

'fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
'fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
'serialprintln fdeg0


'for x = 1 to 5
'    if x = 1 then serialprintln "pass 1"
'    if x = 2 then serialprintln "pass 2"
'    if x = 3 then serialprintln "pass 3"
'    if x = 4 then serialprintln "pass 4"
'    if x = 5 then serialprintln "pass 5"
'next x



if bgc == 'Yellow' then bgc = 'Cyan' else bgc = 'Yellow'
mycommand = "eerfh25xx"
x = instr(mycommand,"rfh")
serialprint  "--mycommand  == "
serialprintln  mycommand
serialprint    "--x = instr(mycommand, 'rfh') sb x = 3, x = "
serialprintln x
z = x + 3
serialprint "--z = x + 3  sb z = 6, z = "   
serialprintln z
w = 2
y = mid(mycommand,z,w)
serialprint "--y = mid(mycommand,z,w) sb 25, y = "
serialprintln y
serialprintln x
serialprintln z
serialprintln w

r = mid(mycommand,6,2)
serialprint "--r = mid(mycommand,6,2) sb 25, r = "
serialprintln r

mycommand = "eerfh25xx"
x = instr(mycommand,"rfh")
print x
serialprintln x

Re: V1.23 issues etc

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:04 pm
by xtal
just notice I've comment some out '

Re: V1.23 issues etc

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:07 pm
by xtal
comment ' removed

Code: Select allmycommand = " "
cnt = "1"
rfctr = 0
adc_id = 0
adc_value = 512
k1 = 0.11
p00 = 'P'
apc0 = 40000
ppm0 = 1770
adj1 = 1768
adj2 = 1769
cdeg0 = 25.1
fdeg0 = 77.18
kta0 = '0.01'
lo0 = '12'
hi0 = '20'
prb = '01.0'
ph = '7.0'
s0 = "000> 00001,00032 00342,65535 00700,66535 01000,34770 01400,65535"
bgc = 'Yellow'
B_Opn = 'http://i.imgur.com/kzt3tO8.png'
B_Clo = 'http://i.imgur.com/KS1dPa7.png'
Ipage = B_Clo

rfh = 15

wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content="
wprint htmlvar(rfh)
wprint "rfh >"

wprint "<script type = 'text/javascript'>"
wprint "var timeInSecs;"
wprint "var ticker;function startTimer(secs){"
wprint "timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1;"
wprint "ticker = setInterval('tick()',1000);}"
wprint "function tick() {"
wprint "var secs = timeInSecs;"
wprint "if (secs>0) {timeInSecs--;} else {clearInterval(ticker);"
wprint "startTimer("
wprint htmlvar(rfh)
wprint ");}document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = secs;} startTimer("
wprint html(rfh)
wprint ");"
wprint "</script>"
wprint "<body><div>"
wprint "<table bgcolor='Lawngreen' border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>"

wprint "<td><IMG SRC ="
wprint htmlvar(Ipage)
wprint " LEFT='1' WIDTH='120' HEIGHT='60' BORDER='1'></td>"

wprint "<th id='countdown'>"
wprint htmlvar(rfh)
wprint "</th></table><br>"

wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd1s' cols='70' rows='14'>"
wprint htmlvar(s0)
wprint chr(13)
wprint "</textarea></div><br>"

wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd2s' cols='70' rows='6'>"
wprint htmlvar(s0)
wprint chr(10)

wprint "</textarea></div><br>"

wprint "<div><table bgcolor="
wprint htmlvar(bgc)
wprint " border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<tr><th>Sensor</th><th>TempC</th><th>TempF</th><th>PPMcntr</th>"
wprint "<th>PPM__</th><th>Adj__1</th><th>Adj__2</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>DS18B20P</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(cdeg0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(fdeg0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(apc0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(ppm0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(adj1)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(adj2)
wprint "</td></tr>"
wprint "<tr><th>Probe-K</th><th>Pool-PH</th><th>PH-Adj</th><th>ADC Value</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>01.0</td><td>7.0</td><td>7</td><td bgcolor='Red'>"
wprint htmlvar(adc_value)
wprint "</td></tr></table></div><br>"

button "BLINK" [BLINK]
button "RD_ADC" [RDA.DC]
button "TEMP_DN" [TEMP.DN]
button "TEMP_UP" [TEMP.UP]
button "F_Deg" [Fdeg]
button "ForNxt" [ForNext]
textbox mycommand
wprint "<br>


if Ipage == B_Clo then Ipage = B_Opn else Ipage = B_Clo

AI adc_value

SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp dn"
cdeg0 = cdeg0 - 0.1
fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
ppm0 = ppm0 - 1
apc0 = apc0 - 1
adj1 = adj1 - 1
adj2 = adj2 - 1


SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp up"
cdeg0 = cdeg0 + 0.1
fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
ppm0 = ppm0 + 1
apc0 = apc0 + 1
adj1 = adj1 + 1
adj2 = adj2 + 1

fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
serialprintln fdeg0

for x = 1 to 5
    if x = 1 then serialprintln "pass 1"
    if x = 2 then serialprintln "pass 2"
    if x = 3 then serialprintln "pass 3"
    if x = 4 then serialprintln "pass 4"
    if x = 5 then serialprintln "pass 5"
next x



if bgc == 'Yellow' then bgc = 'Cyan' else bgc = 'Yellow'
mycommand = "eerfh25xx"
x = instr(mycommand,"rfh")
serialprint  "--mycommand  == "
serialprintln  mycommand
serialprint    "--x = instr(mycommand, 'rfh') sb x = 3, x = "
serialprintln x
z = x + 3
serialprint "--z = x + 3  sb z = 6, z = "   
serialprintln z
w = 2
y = mid(mycommand,z,w)
serialprint "--y = mid(mycommand,z,w) sb 25, y = "
serialprintln y
serialprintln x
serialprintln z
serialprintln w

r = mid(mycommand,6,2)
serialprint "--r = mid(mycommand,6,2) sb 25, r = "
serialprintln r

mycommand = "eerfh25xx"
x = instr(mycommand,"rfh")
print x
serialprintln x

Re: V1.23 issues etc

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:26 pm
by Mmiscool
The issue is you are out of ram it seems.

To store a variable permanently in flash you can use the following commands. It is not file i/o in the traditional basic way but t supports storing information to flash. you could then reuse the variable for other purpose or set it to "".

The read command allows you to retrieve information persistently stored in the flash memory of the ESP8266 module.
read {string or var for name of data element} {Var to place contents of data element in to}

The write command allows you to persistently store a data element in flash memory.
write {string or var for name of data element} {Var or sting to write to data element}