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By cicciocb
#37887 Hello, first thanks for your great work.
I was trying to compile your sources and I think have found a bug into your sources.
In ESP8266Basic.ino, you declared AllMyVaribles as : String AllMyVaribles[50][2];' (line 274)
The problem is that, in all your code, you use the index from 0 to 50 included as for, example, at line 482:
for (byte i = 0; i <= 50; i++)
if (AllMyVaribles[i][1] != "" ) WebOut += String("<hr>" + AllMyVaribles[i][1] + " = " + AllMyVaribles[i][2]);
The same for the 2nd index as you use the [1] and [2] instead of [0] and [1].

To be coherent with the declaration, you should define AllMyVaribles as : String AllMyVaribles[51][3]; or modify the <=50 with <50 and replace the [1] and [2] with [0] and [1].

Am I wrong ?

Best regards and Happy New Year.
