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By TheQuestor
#38563 i'm having a strange issue with all 3 of my ESP-01 modules.
I upload the firmware and am presented with the popup and console as shown in the attachment. I am not sure that if it is normal as there are no errors just a bunch of periods.

But even after waiting 5 minutes it never shows up in my list of available wifi networks.
I can flash them all with the AT firmware and they show up and I can flash them with the nodemcu firmwares and they show up in my list of available networks but nada with the 1 meg firmware for the basic firmware.

I have followed the install page a dozen times and each time the exact same results so instead of going crazy [ier] I am asking if I am missing something or should I be doing this on one of my ESP-07 or ESP-03 modules instead of the ESP-01?

Please advise.

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By luc VdV
#38584 I just flashed 2 esp01 modules with the newest software (V1.68) and with each reflash I received the popup-box with all the dots in it......
After a reset they worked fine. I found the AP ‘ESP’ and the nice web-page at
I used the older (blue) ESP-01 models and they only have 512K flash size.
Maybe you can try it with the 512K version.
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By TheQuestor
luc VdV wrote:I just flashed 2 esp01 modules with the newest software (V1.68) and with each reflash I received the popup-box with all the dots in it......
After a reset they worked fine. I found the AP ‘ESP’ and the nice web-page at
I used the older (blue) ESP-01 models and they only have 512K flash size.
Maybe you can try it with the 512K version.

I will try but I flash 4 Meg nodemcu to them just fine. All 3 of mine are blue as well. I would think that they would error if trying to flash more than the space would allow but I very well could be wrong there.
I've also used the erase feature [again dots] and uploaded with same results.

Thanks for replying.
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By heckler
#38604 Hi Questor,

so what you show in your screen shot is the completion of the flashing of the ESPBASIC OS. What I would do next is to close out of the flashing program and then open up a serial terminal program (like PUTTY or any other good serial terminal) then connect it to the same COM port that was used to flash the esp module.
then restart the esp module (not in flash mode) and watch the output to the serial terminal screen.

You should see it boot up and show the espbasic version info and then attempting to connect to an AP but will probably fail if you have not given it the credentials for your home wifi. It will tell you that it is starting up the AP mode and you should be able to connect "DIRECTLY" to it via

That is directly to it, not through your other wifi network. You may need to refresh your wifi AP listing in your PC, LapTop or smartphone. Then look for an AP called "ESP" and tell your PC to connect to it.
Then you should be able to browse to and be connected and then be able to go to the settings page and enter the info for the module to connect to your home wifi (if desired) or just leave it as an AP and be connected directly to it.

I find keeping a serial terminal connected and displaying the serial data at 9600 baud is useful and will help you learn.

good luck