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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By santo
#41261 I would like to second the request for a configurable start up timer in settings. As it is right now, it's not feasible to wait 30 seconds before anything happens on start up. With an application powered by battery, ideally you would like to press a button, power up, immediately have the program run, and then power down by letting go of the button.

Thanks for considering the request.
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By heckler
#41380 I would agree that there should be a way to have the module not wait the default 30 sec.

Possibly have it check for a certain file name, like "instant" and if it finds it run it ASAP.
or like you say have it be a configurable parameter in the settings page.

The 30 sec wait time is not to bad when one is developing code but once you have the code perfected the wait time is a real roadblock... especially in a battery powered system or other time sensitive applications. Like manually pressing a button and wanting it to power up and do something while you are holding the button.

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By forlotto
#46657 Agreed would love to see start up time be user changeable as well.

My light turns on then for a couple of seconds now with the light switch then goes off and I have to wait like a minute for it to come back to the on state kind of a buzz kill at times but whatever for the most part I just use the phone app but there are times when the switch is still quicker like if I left my phone somewhere and forgot where I left it etc... It is those times I think man I wish I could configure that wait timer to another value.
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By Oldbod
#47071 Quite understand how useful it is to be able to get to the control logic at start time, but I'm keen to be able to disable the delay too. For battery powered monitoring ops, my guess would be the start wait would consume much more power than the main part of the operation...