Tell me what you want, What you really, really want.

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By lew247
#51956 Your programmer is excellent, but I do have one request
Could you print the version number of the current version of Basic on the programmer when it's run

Also could you put a notice on the download page when the version of Basic has been updated saying what the version number is please?

At present it's guesswork knowing if the Basic version has been updated, and there is no way of knowing what version the download will give you until after it has been flashed and run
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By bugs
#52592 Just to add my voice to the request.
By chance I was informed of a couple of new commands and had to go to the download page and re-program the chip in order to find out the latest version number!
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By forlotto
#52604 hrmmm.... odd it appears that the latest version already has a build number right before it does a com port scan.