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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#52074 Why have both mqtt and this?

Pubnub is essentially mqtt/thingspeak combined basically ...

Maybe we could ditch thingspeak and mqtt in favor of a single solution?

I really don't like to see those words "click here for pricing" it makes me feel that they may go to a subscription only service at some point and time when they got you hooked and then they will flop when the free alternative gets back up to speed.

Anyhow we are very able to do all of these communications with basic already without added support or pubnub etc just need to write the code to do it... I am curious though pubnub... I wonder if this is not more like and mqtt errr well whatever everyone has different needs I guess and prefers alternate ways of accomplishing the same task but we do have a fairly powerful set of tools built into basic to do this maybe we should just build upon these tools instead of cross interfacing between all of these services IDK.

What are you trying to accomplish kingdem you seem to have a lot of interesting requests posts and so forth would be great to hear some theoretical examples of some of the things or devices that would benefit from pubnub.
