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Clearing code

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:51 pm
by Fausti
Your code is awsome but could be possible to port to Sming, in order to refactorize, divide in multiple files, include css files, and to add translations to spanish, I actually as a teacher in a high school I'm really interested to share your BASIC with my students.
Really thanks in advance.

Re: Clearing code

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:49 pm
by Mmiscool
The bulk of the text to be translated would be on the settings page.

I have never used the Sming tool set and would not know how to go about porting it right now.

I could add some things for translating if you are interested. Specifically substitutions for certain words in the interface.

Let me know what pages have things that really must be translated in the interface and if you can help me provide a translated version of the http://www.esp8266basic.com/language-reference.html and http://www.esp8266basic.com/flashing-instructions.html pages.

The programming language and its key word are not some thing that i can really mess with as I am trying to keep it as compatible with basic as I can.

Re: Clearing code

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:48 am
by Fausti
Thanks for your fast answer.
Those days I'm being studying your code and I 'move' into Eclipse with Sming and it WORKS! , really compatible in functions with Arduino, so actually I'm playing with your interpreter. and my ESP12, but you move faaast too.
As I told you I'm going to translate your webpage for my students in spanish (as you can see English it's not my mother tonge neither my students)
so if you want to give some kind of access (mail, dropbox....) I will send you docs. mine it's : fausti.informatica*nospam*at*googlemaildotcom
Anyway as bigger your project will be and more people get involved to help you, let me suggest you to split code and move to any paradigm like MVC or whatever, because actually Arduino IDE it's quite limited.

Thanks again and good luck!

Re: Clearing code

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:44 pm
by Mmiscool
Refactored the code this week end. Project now consists of a bunch of separate files segregated by logical groupings.

Hope this improves the chances of others being able to get in and modify code. Maybe some forks on git hub.

THings have been moving along and are much improved from when this was originally posted.