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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#34798 Not a bad idea...

Blank password = No Login Prompt/Page

It is one of those little quirky things about basic that could possibly be fixed so as long as it doesn't affect the security that the login is providing.

As we all know if not developed correctly it would just provide a security hole easily exploited.

If this is the case maybe we should have to point our browser to the login page in order to login eg... http://nodemcuIP/login IDK just kicking an idea around I suppose even still you would have to have code to prevent the need for a login if the password is blank.
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By Mmiscool
#34813 This will be implemented when new build is released tonight.
User avatar
By Mmiscool
#34821 This has been implemented in the latest version and is available for download.