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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#37795 Correct as you stated I was editing my post when you responded to reflect that! hrmmm : / I wonder if anyone has fully investigated the possibility that we may be missing something here.

Maybe an email to expressif would suffice to unlock the mystery ... IDK but thanks a ton for sharing. If it was there it'd be interesting if someone was able to actually get it working...

Anyone have access to an SEM and ability to get down to the bottom of all of this?
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By martinayotte
#37797 Actually, last summer, someone posted the question already, but Espressif never answered ... :?

(probably their answer would be a shame. Let see what they provided in ESP32)

EDIT : in ESP32, they seems to use those registers, but not much more documentation ...
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By forlotto
#37853 More good info I am curious this is more for digital communication rather than GPIO ON/OFF function correct? Or at least this is what it appears to be how else but maybe just maybe I could use this board for relays problem being I am about out of space with all of the wiring I have already I barely fit everything together.... Another whole board is going to be next to impossible to fit within my enclosure safely but I will keep it in mind if something can't be done.

Thanks GengusKahn much appreciated! Cheap goods too have you ordered from here? I've had trouble with some of these asian websites lately... I got 150bux worth of stuff ordered since the beginning of november they were christmas gifts so I had to go out and purchase more gifts cause they didn't arrive now I am into January still no product and no money back... Really kind of bugging me the website was Not impressed at all with them or paypal on this matter I should have payed with a credit card so I could dispute the payment as I believe I got took on this one big time guess I need to get on the horn and call paypal directly I've emailed them with zero luck shipping status has not changed still in some other country. like the netherlands or something...

Anyhow I should be zzzzzleeeping about 20mins ago better cut it short.