General area when it fits no where else

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By electronrancher
#50855 I have a nodemcu amica board that has been nodemcu, arduino with spiffs, blynk, and now I'm attempting to try esp8266basic. I have successfully flashed, but nothing comes up - no AP, no connection to home wifi, and nothing on serial except for the initial burp of garbage.

I have tried the format flash option, waiting the 30s and 2min as suggested before reflashing with esp8266basic - the behavior is the same. The flash works, but I'm not convinced the little bugger is actually doing anything afterwards.

Could this be a hardware thing with the amica board, or what would a good next step be in debugging this? I did double check that arduino can flash a sketch that connects to home wifi, so I'm reasonably convinced the hardware is functional.

Looking forward to trying the esp8266 basic!
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By electronrancher
#50916 Solved!

I had to upload the flash formatter and the firmware file using the nodemcu flash tool. For some reason, neither of these flashed properly using the espbasic tool - I would not even get the "Formating" message on serial. Weird.

But it's up and running now!
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By forlotto
#51146 Welcome aboard espbasic ;)

For other folks having issues getting up and running I made a little video hopefully this helps. Just click the link in my signature.