General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#45647 Hrmmmm will have to give it a go after I get all my stuff up and running the way I envision and shoot a video.

Thanks for this! While it is not integration which would be the preferred method (As this is the principal of basic) keeping coded basic it is a solution that I can actually test and possibly apply.

AJAX is basically the real time element if I recall correct from my readings but anyways THANK YOU!

One question once I test this and verify its authenticity you don't mind me using and sharing the code I hope or a variation of it?
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By cicciocb
#45676 HI Forlotto,
you can do whatever you want, this is the principle of the sharing.
One little question : what do you mean for "authenticity" ?
