General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By trackerj
sadat007 wrote:Dear, Can anyone please conform me how much my code will be secured in ESP8266 BASIC Interpreter?

In terms of what ? Refine a bit your question.
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By Mmiscool
#50334 All esp8266 devices use an external spi flash chip to store the program. Any o e with phisical acces to the devkce can read the firmware regardless of lanvuage it is in. This includes scripts uploaded to the device.

I can not say that esp basic is bullet proof as far as security. The links at the top of the default pages can be turned off from the settings page. You can set a password to prevent acces to the settings, editor and file manger pages but i think there still needs to be a bit more work done to make it a truly secure system. Keep in mind that if there is a will there is a way.