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Re: More on the PSF-A85 Module

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:41 pm
by forlotto
you could also click the github link located on that page and visit the flasher directory.

Yes an excellent feat in cost effective electronics how they do a lot of this stuff these days shocks me as well the machines they have to stack so much into so little space is amazing. It could not be done without these machines that do the work with such precision even if someone were to get chips to reverse engineer years back they would not be able to make them without today's machines the best gift you could give someone in the past if we were to time travel would be the means to manufacture today's because without it it would take decades to do so even if one were able to reverse engineer it. The interesting thing is that when it boils down to brass tax though us as consumers pay more for less physical material and this has been passed into nearly every market including food, gas and clothing. We pay more for less physical material or the main ingredient such as beef has soy substitutes quite often blended with it along with grains yet they mark the prices up substantially. Same goes for silicon or purified sand essentially which is one of the most abundant resources. Heck if you haven't noticed clothing has gotten thinner, even though they create shirts out of high yield GMO cotton they often make shirts thinner, or add polyester to the cotton as well. Deodorants, soaps, etc have either gotten less concentrated or they have cut the amount of oz included or both in some cases. It is amazing how much commodity sales have ripped off the consumer blindly while still paying them the same wages charging more for their products and essentially giving less while blaming gas prices for all of it. I have paid very close attention over the last 8 years how things have changed.

Sorry for the long post but it amazes me how you have a company like this that defies the status quo and yet remains a very profitable one a real force and motivator of markets. This company makes a far larger impact on all things while it may not be self aware of them.

I would love to know your source for purchasing this module for that price and is shipment included?

Re: More on the PSF-A85 Module

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:18 am
by PhilTilson
Full details here: https://www.itead.cc/psf-a85.html?acc=8f14e45fceea167a5a36dedd4bea2543

And when I bought four of them a few weeks ago, this was the invoice:
Item Sku Qty Subtotal
PSF-A85 WiFi Wireless Module IM160708001
Qty 4 $7.96
Subtotal $7.96
Shipping & Handling $4.52
Grand Total $12.48

A real fiddle to solder, though! :) You can see my solution on the page referenced above.


Re: More on the PSF-A85 Module

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:25 pm
by forlotto
Soldering is something that takes time sometimes more time than you would like indeed.

However I am curious it does not say are GPIO's 9 and 10 useable for output. Or do you have to do the same flash mod as you would on the esp12?

This thing looks very similar to the ESP 12 the only additions I see are low power and external antenna ... I wonder if these boards will mount directly on a nodemcu that would be interesting thinking about possibly trying it here within the few months or so after I get caught up with some other things I've been wanting to do.

Thanks for sharing!

Re: More on the PSF-A85 Module

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:41 pm
by PhilTilson
I'm pretty new to these modules, as you might have guessed from my earlier questions, so I am not sure I can answer your question. However, because the 8285 chip has the 1MB flash on-board, and can therefore communicate with it internally, I assume GPIOs 9 and 10 are available for general use.

I'll try to check this out tomorrow!

I think the main differences from the ESP-12 are that this module is around half the size and there is no on-board antenna.