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Re: OLED Font Sizes

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:23 pm
by aphawk

I tried many ways to send some symbols characters to the Oled display. Even the degrees symbol ASCII (176) don't showed right in the display.

I found one Arduino library to SSD1306 that correct the characters sent to the Oled display, used with ESP8266, and with many fonts.

The author had problem exactly with UTF-8, then he correct the library code to support Extended Ascii codes. This is not the final solution, but helps a lot and makes the display more usable.

I don't now if it is possible use this library , but at least you can see the code that correct this situation. Maybe one fix can be made.... , and this will help many people that don't use English.

This is the site :

http://blog.squix.org/2015/12/esp8266-f ... es-in.html

And this is the library :
