General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By stern0m1
#43729 i am trying to read serial data from a device that responds with data following a specific command,
this is what i get:
| þ‚•0000000±·530000±6¸·00000²´0±0000¸9¸90000²59¸0000²¸¸²0000²3060000²306000000000000000000000000±²±9±²±90000000000000000000000000¸00000000000000000000¸Ã09·Ã000Ã00000035±00±±603²±0²±´²6´±0²000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000�65

its supposed to return something like this:

I am able to successfully send the command with the input command (now that we can set the data/parity) and read it with a separate usb serial reader. Seems like some format issue. Any ideas?