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By Dennis Jenen
#49683 Hey

I got the NodeMcu ESP8266 version 12 and V3 (I think)

I got it flashed an running Lua, following this tutorial ... odemcu-lua

I got the LUA for GPIO, WiFi and connection to a homepage working.
Now, Im trying to transfer data to a MySQL. I have seen someone do this by GET or POST to a homepage, but I have seen LuaSQL and luadbi with download from:

My question is, how to I get the luadbi working (code below)? Im guessing I have to upload the dll and use it somehow

-- Create a connection
local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('Driver', db, username, password, host, port))

-- set the autocommit flag
-- this is turned off by default

-- check status of the connection
local alive = dbh:ping()

-- prepare a connection
local sth = assert(dbh:prepare(sql_string))

-- commit the transaction

-- finish up
local ok = dbh:close()

Alternative, but just as fine from my point of view:
Using the ODBC driver from
with the following code:

local odbc = require "odbc.dba"
local cnn = odbc.Connect{
Driver ='{MySQL ODBC 5.2 ANSI Driver}';
local stmt = cnn:prepare"INSERT INTO pet values(:NAME,:AGE)"
stmt:exec{NAME = "swaroop", AGE = 12}

OR, There is some way of connecting to a MySQL, that I dont know => Not on first page of google searches...

THANKS everyone.