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By SashB
#16032 Hi there,

After a long and extensive search on the web with poor results I've decided to crate my own Altium lib including all ESP-xx modules from 1 to 12.

If any has a will to help with 3D step models would be great.
Sources can be found on my github repository [LINK]

Because documentation is not as I would like causing me some grey hair, please before you use-do the fab files, do the double check if the your module fits check if pads are ok.

BR Sash
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By jra
#16122 Any chance you could export these in PCAD ASCII format so they could be imported into DipTrace?
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By alonewolfx2
jra wrote:Any chance you could export these in PCAD ASCII format so they could be imported into DipTrace?

+1 i wonder same thing