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By Stefan73
#15822 Rather bad news from Espressif - I guess we will not see a fix.

Dear Stefan,

At present,the underlying does not connect the AP with strongest signal automatically and customers need to implement this in the upper-layer by themselves.

1. AT+CWLAP --- List of all available AP's detected by ESP8266, including RSSI and AP MAC.
2. AT+CWJAP="wifi-1","123456789","ca:d7:19:d8:a8:44" ---connect to AP

Any more questions, please let us know.

Unluckily this is not a solution at all. Of course you can spot for the RSSI on the first connect. But the connection information will be stored in EEProm and automatically - and in case of any location or WiFi change - incorrectly recalled. Furthermore the firmware does not notify me as a user, if the Wifi connection gets re-esablished or changed. Thus any slightest interference on WiFi will drive the ESP into it’s default behaviour of connecting to the WiFi with the lowest channel number.

We have company WiFis at several places that populate different channels. With the current implementation, I really see issues for the ESP in professional surroundings.
I hope the Espressif guys will reconsider.