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Re: Need examples for the love of whatever you love please h

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:46 pm
by forlotto
NodeMCU v2 Dev board with LUA...

Wow man a lot of good info there you really did your homework you don't mind if I keep and openly distribute this information I hope? I have a web forum of my own and I like to collect interesting information this would make an excellent addition to the information I have on that forum I will site that it is from anupak if you wish but something like that is too much to waste or lose so I am going to document it for myself at the least.

No I am aware of all of these thingspeak servers and such but what I would like to see is the ability to know have these servers communicate what is being sent back and forth and so on...

If I wanted simple buttons on a site locally I have already coded that it was cake.

But what I don't understand is how to get the node to function as a listening device aka client connected to the server I guess would be a better way to put it and how to have the server actually relay the values to the node MCU ...

Poor choice of words I don't want to use a third party website I want to both have control of the website and the nodemcu as I could set up my own server plus I own a hosting account so I could setup my own websites and such as I see fit.

Maybe this will clear things up a bit it really isn't all that complex to be honest I guess just new to me as soon as I seen an example I would comprehend how it is done correctly and what is going on.

Just little bits and pieces missing really and honestly I have been searching for a while for an example but have not come across one that fits the bill or maybe I have but I wasn't sure if it would be the same thing or not. As of now I have a website that is most of the way done http://www.icepik.tk and I have a script that will run the thing locally without issue and possibly remotely (unsure if I can use my WAN IP to connect or not tbh.)

From what I can see the only timers built in the API are based off of milisecs there is no weekly timer code built in so to handle daily timer code and with limited resources timers would be better off on a serving PC but I really don't know.

Insight is all I really need there are plenty who know whats up all I was looking for is a little direction via examples not for someone to do everything for me as believe me there will be quite a bit more to figure out where I want to go with it.

But guys I really do THANK YOU! just for taking a few brief moments to comment you know it is funny a few years back people would be willing to help someone aspiring to do something like this lots of cool folks and great times these days people are really not the same as I might cut into their time for facebook etc... But before facebook when their were forums like this one even the most knowledgeable people would be more than happy to help.

You know if it is time/money anyone is worried about write a book put it on amazon on how to accomplish all of this and I will purchase it if you give me the link.

I heard now adays people pay their children to do digital chores and they pay them on average 20-30% more than doing their regular chores. You know how many computers of family and friends I have fixed growing up and and still am doing it never expected much of nothing it is interesting on how much things have changed from the turn of the century until now. I've gotten old pc's fixed them up just to give them to folks without PC's... The sense of community is lacking in today's society I feel this is why I get a little pushy from time to time but my apologies for being to blunt or not asking properly.

Re: Need examples for the love of whatever you love please h

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:53 pm
by forlotto
Ben on websockets I find varying information but I have seen few if any examples I suppose I just need to keep looking as most seem to suggest node js...

I am just having a hard time understanding why I couldn't store and query the values every 30 seconds or so or keep an open socket kept alive check UTC and adjust accordingly + or -...

I guess my largest confusion is the best way to tackle this project maybe there is too much info and I am just missing the path to take through it all IDK now that I read your comment again.

Goal is to use my own website no third party site, broker, cloud etc... Just something all my own eventually I would like others to be able to use the site as well.

The goals.

Map out all pins to ON OFF
Allow for 10 timers to be set per day weekly timers (As most of us are creatures of habit just like a thermostat) and if we are going away and we wanna save power or stop the tasks from running we could have a suspend timers button that would suspend all timers and manually shut of the pins not needed to be in use.
Allow for automatic time zone adjustment
Allow for automatic creation of user page with IP of device
Do all this remotely or locally have it be optional.

Dunno but I think my goals are reachable maybe slightly more extensive than most but hey gotta have some plan.

Re: Need examples for the love of whatever you love please h

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:12 am
by Barnabybear
Hi, I found this project very informative - aREST.h & aREST_UI.h are worth a read thats where all the good stuff is.
Have two examples of this running now for about 2 months with only minor problems.

Re: Need examples for the love of whatever you love please h

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:27 am
by anupak
Feel free to share, I learnt most of it the hard way, and poking through lot of peoples code. So my 2 cents to the pool.
