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By gelfling6
#69392 And Finished! roughly about 2 hours of careful micro-surgery & soldering, but I've converted mine into a full-functioning programmer!
A little blurry, But the finished project before gooping it!

super simple, a few parts (momentary contact pushbutton, 2x 10K resistors for pull-up, A jumper header, shorting chip, and a thin piece of wire..
parts, and clearer picture after gooping

the schematic is fairly simple, here a physical parts and schematic.
physical parts, hand-drawn
rebuild2.jpg (15.81 KiB) Viewed 8321 times
schematic with parts borrowed from Fritzing
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By pmj
#73809 Hi, I have the very same programmer, just got it from eBay.

I've been looking for more information on the schematic or pinout for the 2x4 connector. Mine just came in a bag with no information.

Happy to have found your post on how to connect the "Flash" switch, but I still need to know what the other pins in the connector are.

Would you be so kind, if you have the info, to provide it to me.

Thank you.
