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By qkzkfkzkwlsh4
#49592 Hello there, I recently bought one of the ESP8266 (ESP-01) and I was testing it.

I could connect to my router and act as a client and as a server. But Im wondering the next case: If I have an ended project and I didnt configure the password in the WiFi connection, is it possible to connect to the ESP8266, with my phone for example, and send via TCP the password and the name of the WiFi it should connect to ?

The main question is, can I connect to the ESP8266 while it is not connected to the Internet ?

Thanks. - See more at: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10415#sthash.QD7TgVbb.dpuf
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By IoTguy
#49982 Hello qkzkfkzkwlsh4,

I am quite new to the esp8266 thing but, in starting out i asked questions like the one you're asking now.

It is indeed possible to connect the esp8266 while it is not connected. This becomes an offline way to connect the module.