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By villTech
#51561 it is not over doing anything. it is just adding js to esp webserver.

Code: Select all<script>function redirForm() {document.myform.action = '/data/ssid_connect.html';document.myform.submit();}</script>
you can change the content of your page without reloading the whole page. something good about javascripting.

Code: Select alltmp += "<FORM NAME='myform' METHOD='POST' action='/data/ssid_connect_post.html'>";
also good.

problem with pure html. when you want to update a certain value or a single text on your page, you will have to reload the whole page. refresh the whole page.
but with something like javascript, you dont have to. which is nice.

and that is why websocket is great. better because of its async feat. aside from fast.