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IoT online Hubs i.e EmonCMS, Adafruit IO, Azure, IFTTT

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:09 pm
by BlitzSSS
Hi All

I'd like to hear what others recommend looking into for online Hubs to use for IoT projects.

I've been using emoncms.org for a very long time however found it very limited in the fact that it really is only seems to be good at graphs, of course this might be my own limited knowledge.

I'm also very fond of IFTTT.

Very recently I thought I'd give the Adafruit IO open beta a try and I'm liking it a lot, it seems to have lots of visualisation tools, buttons, MQTT and Rest API methods and looks promising for built in IFTTT type triggers (and integration with IFTTT itself). It's also quite mobile friendly for the website and apps.

I've looked at Azure but it certainly seems more complicated and aimed at Enterprise IoT and I certainly am not a developer. Also it didn't appear to have a free data visualisation for hobbyists such as myself (the IoT Hub was free but this was only a MQTT broker as such, data visualisation/monitoring tools were a paid subscription add-on) again this could be my lack of knowledge.

Can anyone else suggest any other online Hubs I should checkout?


Re: IoT online Hubs i.e EmonCMS, Adafruit IO, Azure, IFTTT

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:13 am
by gdsports
I use thingspeak.com but mostly to visualize data. I use a Raspberry Pi running mosquitto and node-red for local if/then/else logic. Cloud works great until your internet connection goes down or someone DDOSs your cloud vendor.

The last time I tried adafruit.io, there was a 10 channel limit. For example, if you log temp and humidity, inside and outside, you have only 6 channels left. You might want to check on this limit.

Re: IoT online Hubs i.e EmonCMS, Adafruit IO, Azure, IFTTT

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:27 am
by BlitzSSS
gdsports wrote:The last time I tried adafruit.io, there was a 10 channel limit. For example, if you log temp and humidity, inside and outside, you have only 6 channels left. You might want to check on this limit.

Thanks, yes since posting this I did discover the 10 feed limit which is extremly limiting :( hoping they change this in due course (it is still beta afterall).

Re: IoT online Hubs i.e EmonCMS, Adafruit IO, Azure, IFTTT

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:14 pm
by witnessmenow
I wrote an arduino library for triggering IFTTT events from your esp8266 via the maker channel


I haven't really done much with it other than test that it works by sending myself an email, but you should be able to do whatever you like with the event (log to google docs etc)

Hope this helps!