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By Tz Raj
#59137 Hello.

I'm having some trouble with my ESP.
I use 3.3v on the esp, but when the voltage reaches 2v, it stops runnning the code.
It was expected, but when the voltage come back to 3.3v, my esp don't run the code.

When the voltage reaches 2v, I recieve this message:
"ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)

wdt reset

rst cause 4 stands for the watchdog
I suppose the watchdog should reset the esp until it could run my code, but this is not what happen.

What can I do to fix this?
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By rudy
#59139 I also have also experienced unreliability of startup after a wdt reset. I has been a while since I was having those problems. I'm not sure if it was power supply related. So the following is a thought that requires further investigation.

What I don't remember is if a manual reset allowed the unit to start up properly. If the answer is no then that would lead me in a different direction. But if the answer was yes, it always made the unit start properly then I would think that an external watch dog might be required. Of course that would not be a good solution. It would require a pin to be used for that purpose. It would require more parts and add to size, cost, complexity, that should not be required.

Hopefully there are better solutions. Unfortunately I don't have time to look at that issue right now.
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By Tz Raj
#59213 The reset button make it work again, but use 1 microcontroller just to reset the esp when the voltage hit a higher level is overkill. Should have any other way around to solve this.