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ESP8266 wifi post to mysql via php file on server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:24 am
by claus-lind
Hi all..
Now i must ask..

I am trying to post some temprature data on a mysql base on a webserver, using PUT and a php file.

I have this program running on an Arduino Uno with an ethernet shield, and am now trying to get it to work on ESP8266.

The reading of Dallas 18b20 is ok.
But when i try to post to the database it wont work.
The same PHP file is called.4
If i use "postman" in Chrome, using the 2 variables I have, data is posted ok.

Here is the Code and the serial monitor output i have tried to debug with..
I have hard coded the "datapost" so that i have this part at a fixed values.
Post DB is only called when u see :

tabel=fanger_bund&temp=13" in the serial monotir

Any ideas how to crack this ?

Best regards Claus Lind

// start post DB;
void post_to_db (String tabelnavn, DeviceAddress deviceAddress, DallasTemperature Pin) {
char temperatur_buffer[12];
String datapost;
char tempbuffer[12];
float number = Pin.getTempC(deviceAddress);
dtostrf(number, 2, 1, tempbuffer); // dtostrf=(x,W,P,x) Width= Characters including dot & minus sign. Precision= Characters after decimal point.
// datapost = "tabel=" + tabelnavn + "&temp=" + tempbuffer;
datapost = "tabel=fanger_bund&temp=13";

if (client.connect("x.y.z", 80)) { //My server adress
client.println("POST /add.php HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Host:x.y.z"); // SERVER ADDRESS HERE TOO
client.println("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
client.print("Content-Length: ");
if (client.connected()) {
Serial.println("client disconnect");
// slut post DB

Responce from serial monitor
Connecting to Lind Access point
WiFi connected did it
Local IP address :
Connecting to
Connected ! PDU Length = 240
Temp C: 25.44
Temp C: 25.37
Temp C: 25.37
Temp C: 25.44
Temp C: 25.44
Temp C: 25.44
Temp C: 25.44

Re: ESP8266 wifi post to mysql via php file on server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:54 pm
by gdsports
See HTTP POST example.
